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Week 5: The Maze - Self-Deception and Illusion

Writer's picture: Oracles of Healing LightOracles of Healing Light

The moon grows thinner now, its light fading as it approaches the new moon. Shadows stretch long, and the quiet becomes heavier. In this penultimate week, we step into The Maze—the twisting corridors of self-deception and illusion. This is the domain of the masks we wear, the stories we tell ourselves, and the truths we obscure to protect what we are afraid to see.

Our minds are clever architects of the maze. To avoid discomfort, we spin stories about who we are, about why we act the way we do, and about why the world treats us as it does. These narratives keep us safe, yet they also keep us lost. They create comforting illusions but prevent us from stepping into the truth of our shadow. How often do we lie to ourselves—not out of malice, but out of fear? This week is about confronting those illusions, unraveling the threads of the stories we cling to, and daring to look at what lies beneath.

Thoth is our guide in this labyrinth. The god of writing and wisdom reminds us that words are both tools of revelation and weapons of concealment. He helps us see the lines we’ve written into our lives and offers us the clarity to discern the lies from the truth. Beside him, Khonsu holds the space as a steady presence. As the god of healing and transition, Khonsu reminds us that even as the light fades, the maze is not endless. He stands at the edge of the darkness, assuring us that this journey is one of discovery, not destruction.

This is the week to untangle the illusions you’ve built for yourself—to name the stories you’ve told and begin to step out of their hold. The maze is not an enemy; it is a mirror, a structure you’ve created to protect yourself. But now, as the darkness grows and the shadow deepens, it is time to find your way to the truth.

Guiding Questions

This week’s questions will help you identify the ways in which self-deception weaves through your life. These threads can be subtle, even invisible, but with patience and honesty, you may begin to see their patterns.

  1. What lies do you tell yourself to feel safe? Reflect on the small, quiet lies you tell yourself on a daily basis—about your emotions, your relationships, your choices. What are you afraid would happen if you faced these truths directly?

  2. What story about yourself have you repeated for so long that it feels like truth? Consider the narrative you tell about who you are. What would it feel like to challenge that story? What parts of it might no longer serve you—or might never have been true to begin with?

  3. What illusions do you create to avoid discomfort? Are there situations in your life where you bend reality—avoiding responsibility, deflecting blame, or projecting onto others—to avoid facing something uncomfortable within yourself?

These questions are not meant to shame you, but to help you notice the maze you’ve constructed. Remember, self-deception is often a form of protection. The challenge now is to ask: Is this protection still needed, or is it keeping me lost?

Ritual: Mapping the Maze

This ritual is designed to help you see the structure of your own illusions, to name the deceptions that hold you in place, and to begin dissolving them. You’ll create a physical “map” of your self-deception and offer it to the shadow as a way of reclaiming clarity and truth.

What You’ll Need:

  • A piece of paper and a pen or pencil.

  • A candle (optional) for light and focus.

Step 1: Set the SceneFind a quiet place where you can work uninterrupted. If you wish, light a candle to create a soft glow in the room—symbolizing Thoth’s light of clarity in the dark. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing your mind to settle and open.

Step 2: Draw the MazeOn the piece of paper, begin to draw a simple maze or a series of twisting paths—don’t overthink it; this is a symbolic exercise. Let the lines flow freely. Picture this maze as a representation of the stories, masks, and illusions you’ve built to protect yourself.

Step 3: Write Your DeceptionsInside the paths of the maze, begin to write the lies, illusions, or false stories you’ve been telling yourself. These might include:

  • “I don’t need anyone else.”

  • “I’m fine—I don’t feel anything about this anymore.”

  • “I’m too broken to change.”

  • “This isn’t my fault; it’s their fault.”

Be honest, even if it’s uncomfortable. The purpose isn’t to judge yourself but to bring these threads into the light where you can see them.

Step 4: Sit with the MazeOnce you’ve written these truths into the maze, hold the paper in your hands. Look at the web of paths and deceptions you’ve drawn and notice how they’ve served you. These stories likely began as a way to shield yourself from pain, rejection, or fear. Acknowledge them for what they are: survival tools that may no longer serve their purpose.

Step 5: Release the IllusionsWhen you’re ready, burn the paper in the flame of your candle, watching as the maze dissolves into smoke and ash. Picture the lies losing their power over you, fading into the darkness where they no longer hold sway. Imagine Thoth standing beside you, recording the truths that remain, and Khonsu, steady as the moon, holding the space for this transition.

If burning is not an option, you can tear the paper into small pieces and bury it in the earth as a symbol of returning the illusions to the ground where they can decompose.


As the moon moves closer to darkness, we are invited to let go of what no longer serves us. The illusions and deceptions you’ve uncovered this week are not failures—they are simply the stories you created to navigate the world. But now, as you stand at the edge of shadow, you can begin to see that these stories are not the truth of who you are.

Thoth helps us to name what is real, while Khonsu reminds us that healing begins in darkness. The maze may feel endless at first, but as you step back and observe its patterns, you begin to see the exit. The deeper you go, the more you uncover, and the closer you come to the stillness at the center of the shadow.

This week, as you notice moments of self-deception in your daily life, ask yourself: What is the truth I’m afraid to see?Even small moments of honesty can shift the way you move through the maze, one step closer to clarity. Trust that the shadow holds answers—not to trap you, but to free you from the illusions you no longer need.

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